Monday, May 5, 2014

My experience at the Beauty Counters

So...this is just a post voicing my experience at all the various beauty counters all over the city... Kolkata. To be honest, I'm afraid it's more like a rant than an article...I'll try not to whine too much though...promise.

The issues are many that I have faced through out the years & the worst ? Only that it doesn't get any better. So to start with...
The moment I get anywhere near a 2 meter radius of a beauty counter, the Sale's Assistants' start showing signs of getting into a frenzy with their "Yes ma'am?"/ "How may I help you ma'am?" (in that typical squeaky sing-song way) & it never failed to make me feel unsettled & regret the decision of checking the cosmetic counters in the first place. But anyone who buys make-up knows how unavoidable & important that totally-not looked-forward-to-trip to the cosmetic counter is. Any make-up counter & I'm strictly talking drugstore make-up counters that is. If it's one of those counters in...say a Shopper's Stop, then she would be standing right in front of my nose across the counter & demanding to know how she could help me; so I'm obliged to give an answer even though I know it would be totally not worth talking since I most of the time either know exactly what I want or just browsing to see if I chance upon something interesting. So in both cases I can help myself especially so since I'm (as I'd call) "fluent in make-up" myself. & once I spot what I want I will anyways ask the SA to provide me with the fresh product & make a bill. Simple one would think...but definitely no! No mater which ever way you tell them you do not need help, that you are well aware of the specifications of the products on display, they simply will not leave you alone!